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Working together on research involving vulnerable or disadvantaged parents in the first 1001 days of life

What's the issue?

Parents who are vulnerable or disad­vantaged face significant barriers to getting involved in research, so their experiences, perspectives and outcomes are often under-represented.

Researchers may approach voluntary and community sector organisations (VCSOs) to recruit parents as research participants or as Patient and Public Involvement representatives. There are challenges for researchers and small-to-medium VCSOs who are working together in this way.

What did we do?

Researchers and VCSO representatives took part in a series of online workshops to share their experiences of challenges and ideas for solutions. We've published our findings and recommendations as a briefing for VCSOs, researchers and funders:

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Download the briefing

The things we've highlighted are:

  • Understand the challenges
  • Good practice suggestions for VCSOs, researchers and funders
  • Example checklist for VCSOs to assess research requests
  • Tips for researchers to support parents as Patient and Public Involvement representatives

Updated: Wednesday, 18 December 2024 09:52 (v5)