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Our new strategy is out!

PRU strategy graphic: PRU logo with surrounding boxes containing the word groups Study Design; Survey Results; Sharing the Results; Learning; Impact of the Research and What Research Matters?

Published on Thursday, 30 January 2020

We've just finished putting together our new public involvement strategy. We've put it up on our website to share with everyone. It's been a long but very enjoyable process trying to get it right, and not to miss anyone or anything out. Rachel and Charlotte worked on a draft, looking at what was out there already. There are lots of good ideas but we really liked NIHR's Yorkshire and Humber Patient Safety Translational Research Centre, and their Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Strategy for 2017−2019. We also highly recommend the NIHR's Going the Extra Mile report and All of these have helped feed into ideas about setting out our values, our aims, how we will achieve them and measure our activities.

We came up with some innovative ideas of own in how to support researchers in knowing whether they were achieving public involvement in their projects, not least an easy one-page tool called the '8R's. We also developed a series of trigger questions as guidance for researchers depending on the methodology of their research. We shared every draft with our Task Group who helped us improve and adapt the strategy, over many meetings. Once we had a final draft, we shared it with our public involvement partners and held two conference calls to get their feedback which was very useful in sharpening up some of the detail. Thank you so much everyone for your support. Our strategy can be found on our website (PRU-MNHC strategy).

Updated: Tuesday, 16 August 2022 12:01 (v4)