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NPEU at SocSocMed

Published on Wednesday, 04 September 2019 Post

This year the Society for Social Medicine and Population Health convenes its Annual Scientific Meeting in Cork, Ireland on 4th to 6th September. The meeting will be held at the University College Cork.

NPEU will be represented at the conference by Maria Quigley, Sian Harrison and Charles Opondo.

Maria's presentation will describe methods to increase response rates in population-based surveys, based on experience from the National Maternity Survey (NMS) conducted at the NPEU. Sian will describe the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder and comorbidity with anxiety and depression in the NMS. Charles will present findings from a recently published study describing the role of social deprivation in explaining differences in infant birth outcomes across different ethnic groups.

If you'll be in Cork at the time, please come and say hallo.

Updated: Wednesday, 13 October 2021 14:52 (v10)