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Trials that matter… BUMPES


Published on Thursday, 04 January 2018 Post

The BUMPES trial has been featured on the MoreTrials website in the ‘Trials that matter’ series. BUMPES was led at the NPEU by Ed Juszczak, Pollyanna Hardy and Oliver Rivero-Arias as part of a multicentre collaborative group. Women who had received an epidural anaesthetic were randomised to either an upright or lying down position in the second stage of labour. The primary outcome of the trial was spontaneous vaginal birth.

Women in the lying down group had significantly better chance of spontaneous vaginal birth, and no disadvantages were apparent on the short or longer term for both mother and baby.

You can read more about the BUMPES study in the British Medical Journal.

Updated: Thursday, 09 July 2020 09:28 (v3)