Access and quality of maternity care for disabled women during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period in England: data from a national survey
Published on Tuesday, 29 August 2017 Post
The number of disabled women choosing to become mothers is growing. However, stigma still exists about such women's capabilities. Healthcare professionals may be concerned that these women will not be able to cope with pregnancy and motherhood.
NPEU researchers Reem Malouf, Jane Henderson and Maggie Redshaw have published the findings of a study of the quality of maternity care received by disabled women in England in 2015.
The findings indicate some gaps in maternity care provision for these women relating to interpersonal aspects of care: communication, feeling listened to and supported, involvement in decision making, having a trusted and respected relationship with clinical staff. Women from all disability groups wanted more postnatal contacts and help with infant feeding.
You can read the full paper in the BMJ Open.