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Parents' experience of perinatal post-mortem following stillbirth

Published on Friday, 16 June 2017 Post

Following on from the Listening to Parents study of parental experience of care before, during and after a stillbirth or neonatal death, Maggie Redshaw and Jane Henderson have analysed the data relating to offer and uptake of post-mortem following a stillbirth.

Not all women and their partners were offered a post-mortem, with Black women being significantly less likely to be offered this. Of those who were offered it, the majority of women felt sufficiently informed to make a decision. A third of couples had to wait longer than 12 weeks for the post-mortem results and parents' anguish about this was the most common theme in the free text comments.

Read about this study, which has been published in PLOS One.

Updated: Monday, 23 November 2020 11:57 (v6)