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UKMidSS Study Days

We have hosted 4 Study Days for our UKMidSS reporters, the first in November 2016 and most recently in March 2024.

Our Study Days are popular with midwife reporters and are well attended. Feedback indicates that our reporters benefit from networking with other midwives from similar units across the UK, and that the Study Days help them feel valued, part of the UKMidSS team, and positive about contributing to research that is relevant to their work. UKMidSS related topics presented on the Study Days add additional value to the educational and developmental aspect of being a UKMidSS reporter. Certificates of attendance are provided as well as a continuous professional development log for midwife revalidation portfolio purposes.

Our next Study Day will take place in 2026. Details will be available here on how to register closer to the time. Watch this space!

Updated: Wednesday, 22 January 2025 15:41 (v24)