Publications and News
Alsharqi M, Ismavel VA, Arnold L, Choudhury SS, Solomi V C, Rao S, Nath T, Rani A, Goel I, Kakoty SD, Mahanta P, Roy I, Deka R, Opondo C, Baigent C, Leeson P, Nair M. Focused cardiac ultrasound to guide the diagnosis of heart failure in pregnant women in India. Journal American Society of Echocardiography. 2022.
Nair M, Chhabra S, Choudhury SS on behalf of the MaatHRI collaborators, et al Relationship between anaemia, coagulation parameters during pregnancy and postpartum haemorrhage at childbirth: a prospective cohort study BMJ Open 2021;11:e050815.
Selvarajah S, Ran S, Roberts NW, Nair M. Leptospirosis in pregnancy: A systematic review. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2021;15(9): e0009747.
M. Nair, MaatHRI writing group, on behalf of the MaatHRI collaborators. Reproductive health crisis during waves one and two of the COVID-19 pandemic in India: Incidence and deaths from severe maternal complications in more than 202,000 hospital births. EClinicalMedicine. 2021;
Nair M, Bezbaruah B, Bora AK et al. Maternal and perinatal Health Research Collaboration, India (MaatHRI): methodology for establishing a hospital-based research platform in a low and middle income country setting [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research. 2020:9:683
Horwood G, Opondo C, Choudhury SS, Rani A, Nair M. Risk factors for maternal mortality among 1.9 million women in nine empowered action group states in India: secondary analysis of Annual Health Survey data. BMJ Open.2020;10(8):e038910.
Yokoe R, Rowe R, Choudhury SS, Rani A, Zahir F, Nair M. Unsafe abortion and abortion-related death among 1.8 million women in India. BMJ Global Health. 2019;4(3):e001491
Bunch K, Roberts N, Knight M, Nair M. Systematic review to investigate the safety of induction and augmentation of labour among pregnant women with iron-deficiency anaemia. BMJ Open. 2018;8:e021793.
Altijani N, Carson C, Choudhury SS, Rani A, Sarma UC, Knight M, Nair M. Stillbirth among women in nine states in India: rate and risk factors in study of 886,505 women from the annual health survey. BMJ Open. 2018;8:e022583