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BASE Trial - Open to Recruitment!

Published on Monday, 26 February 2024

We are very happy to announce that the BASE study is now open to recruitment!

We issued the green light to start recruitment to Princess Royal Hospital in Telford last week, and we are looking forward to recruiting our first trial participant soon. Thank you to everyone who provided input into the setup of the trial.

The BASE team have also conducted 7 site initiation visits (SIVs) for Arrowe Park, Oldham, Princess Royal, Bath, Lincoln and Burnley Hospital neonatal teams. We have several other SIVs coming up soon, so we're hoping to be able to issue green light to more sites over the coming weeks.

We have also been doing lots of updates to our BASE study website over the last couple of weeks Our website also includes information and training for clinicians, and is set up to show live updates on the number of trial participants we have recruited and the number of recruiting hospitals we have opened so far. We have also put together an information video: Please do give this a watch if you would like to learn more about the trial.

If you have any questions about the study, please don't hesitate to get in touch with the team by emailing and also please follow us on twitter (X) @BASEtrial for more trial and recruitment updates.

Updated: Wednesday, 12 February 2025 11:48 (v9)


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