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AIMES: Assessing the long-term IMpact of Early Surgical care in children born with abdominal wall defects

Having a baby diagnosed with a condition that needs surgery soon after birth can have a long-lasting impact on a family. Abdominal wall defects such as gastroschisis and exomphalos are very rare and even doctors and nurses at a specialist hospital will see very few children with these conditions in a year. This means that the best way to gather information to improve care is by looking at all of the babies in the population with similar conditions.  Health-care professionals and researchers understand that they can learn much about the ways to improve the care of children like these from the families themselves.

We therefore want find out more about from families to help us understand the effects of having a child diagnosed with an abdominal wall defect on the lives of both children and their families,. To find out more about the two projects: AIMES-GS which aims to find out the longer-term impact of having a baby born with gastroschisis and AIMES-E which will collect contact details of parents of children born with exomphalos for future studies in improving care for these families, please click on one of links below.

Updated: Friday, 18 November 2016 12:43 (v2)